To place an order, add the items you wish to purchase to your shopping cart. On the cart page, just below the subtotal, you will find our Shipping Calculator. Be sure to correctly choose "business" or "residential," enter your zip or postal code, and then click "Calculate." This will provide shipping costs for the items in your cart. Continue with checkout by selecting "Proceed to Our Secure Checkout" and follow the prompts provided. Watch this tutorial video on how to place an order.
When this occurs, we first recommend clearing your cookies and cache for ALL history. If this does not help, we recommend using a new and/or updated browser (such as Google Chrome or Firefox).
Once your order is placed, we cannot guarantee that it can be modified or cancelled. If you wish to modify your order, please contact us as soon as possible.
Once your order is placed, we cannot guarantee that it can be canceled. If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us as soon as possible. If you are a registered user, visit your “My Account” page and view your pending orders to see if immediate cancellation is possible.
We offer installation services in select metro areas for select equipment purchased through our site. To be sure everything goes smoothly when it comes to installing your new equipment, please consult our handy
Please visit the Track Your Order section of our site or, if you are a registered user, you may log into your account and go to the My Orders section to check the status of your order.
As an e-commerce company, our primary form of communication is email. All order updates will be sent to the email address used when the order was placed. For this reason, please be sure to provide a valid email address when placing your order.
Yes. We are able to accept most prepaid credit cards as long as the card has been registered with a billing address. Only a single credit card may be used to process the order.
We use third party providers to ship orders and to process credit card transactions. We only provide these companies the appropriate and necessary information. They do not store, share, or retain this information in any way.
Select products on our site are able to be customized and are designated by a special banner on their page. You can also see a full list of customizable products at our Customizable Supplies page. These products typically have order minimums, extended lead times, and fees associated with them. Customized products are non-returnable.
Tips, guides, & advice
Based in Riyadh and Khobar, KSA, We are the first restaurant and café supply e-store in the Middle East food service industry. Our quality products, competitive pricing, large stock, extensive range and capability to ship fast, make us the excellent choice to cater to your needs.
Our focus is your convenience – order online from your laptop, desktop, or smartphone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our fast shipping, low prices, and outstanding customer service make ModernStreetES the best choice to meet all of your professional and food service supply needs.